17 September 2005

some time away

I get to take a bit of a break for a change. My only time off this year has surrounded Dad's last days and his death. I usually take some vacation in the fall, and spend some time in the deer woods.

This week, though, I am traveling to Missouri to attend a Pastor's conference there. I was invited I think 3 years ago to attend one, and then attended again last year. Windemere is a beautiful camp, and I know several of the guys who will be there - we may even get in a round of golf. How civilized - I don't think I'm in danger of shooting the wrong kind of birdies. Then back to Enid for Wednesday night church, and then two days to Kansas for Advent planning. Yes, 6 of us will sit around the table and talk about what we intend to do with our messages in about 2 months. I'll bet we do more than that.

BTW - it's about time for my annual beard revival. Several years ago, I started shaving part of my beard (a Van Dyke) when Ash Wednesday rolled around. And then I grow it back starting on Rosh Hashana. In this way, I acknowledge both my Jewish and Catholic spiritual roots. Truth be known, it's actually about outdoor comfort more than anything else. I spend a lot of time outside during the winter, and a little more facial stubble helps when those cold, Oklahoma winds kick up.

Oh well, check out the sermon on the Cornerstone blog, and have a great Lord's day tomorrow.

Sojourning to other states - of mind and body . . .


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