06 September 2005

in the bosom . . .

My sister in law's mother passed away. Believe it or not, this isn't the first family funeral since Dad passed.

Rusty came through Enid and picked me up yesterday around noon, and we drove to Mom's house in Granbury. It used to be Mom and Dad's house. I suspect it will always seem strange to visit here. You know how some homes have so much of the touch of the woman that there is no room for the man - well, Mom and Dad shared a house. There was always a touch of Dad (and there still is) in their homes. And nothing overt - like my deer mount on the wall - nothing like that. There's just a sense of Dad all over the house.

Still, it is good to be in the bosom of the family. Mom and Rusty and Tracy and I had dinner out last night, and it was just fun. Rusty's witicisms, Tracy's snorts, Mom's feigned embarrassment - all made for a wonderful evening.

Today we will be with Tony and family. We haven't all been together since Dad passed. And now, it is for another funeral. It will be a small graveside - I am to do the service. So pray for me.

And pray for Laura today. How do you bury your mother? I don't know. Pray for their kids, Andrew, Kendall, and Garrett. Pray for Tony.

And still, it feels good to be in the bosom of family.

Sojourning on to Waco . . .


At 06 September, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I will pray for you as you do the service. My mom also lives in Granbury (Acton technically speaking) and I lost my Dad about a year and a half ago now. We met at the CBF gathering at Windermere last year.

At 07 September, 2005, Blogger the sojourning pilgrim said...


Mom actually lives in Acton - DCBE - I plan on attending the Missouri Pastor's conference later this month - I hope to see you there.


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