02 September 2005

Questions . . .

Is it really true that we were able to get water to people in Indonesia on the second day after the Tsunami?

Would our "closed" Military bases house all of these people?

Well, enough of that . . . There are plenty of people out there asking the hard questions.

The only one I can think to ask this day is - "Why am I still in Enid, when people need?" The answer - "I'm not sure what I could actually do at this point."

I pray that changes in the next several days.


At 02 September, 2005, Blogger Leslee said...

All day long I've been wondering the same questions. If you find some answers you let me know!

At 02 September, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sweet Pastor, you are in Enid because God has set up places/churches/cities of refuge. God's planting of each of us is in fact making more sense as these tragedies transpire. You are in a fort where spiritual weapons are built up and where the weary can find rest. We may indeed venture into the war zone, but you are right where God put you. God bless you...


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