15 September 2005

Separation of Church and State?????

I have been astounded lately at the number of folks that I encounter who are drawn into positions that they feel obligated to support by digging their hole deeper. Most of these recent discussions center around issues of separation of Church and State - usually associated with issues of "should a candidate be allowed to express his or her faith opinion" or "should the ten commandments be posted in our schools. Those are interesting questions, but I wonder if the specific of the question doesn't divert our attention from the crux of the matter - which is, of course, this - should the government determine which faiths are acceptable? - and this - should the government be able to coerce faith expressions?

Much smarter people than I have addressed these questions. I simply know enough to say that I consider myself a "free" Baptist, rather than a "reformed" Baptist - and that designation, on my part, filters over into the way that I think about issues surrounding separation of church and state.

I do recommend to you this article by Bill Moyers - actually a reprint of his recent address to the students at Union Seminary. He expresses many of those things I believe - and with much better clarity than I could express.

Good reading to you this day.


At 15 September, 2005, Blogger Dr. Mike Kear said...

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At 16 September, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

God is healing me of a terrible prejudice against Baptists. Understand that I was reared in the smoking section of a free will Baptist church where my uncle was a pastor until a scandel broke revealing he was a child molester. My father was so terrified that he would be identified with his brother's evils that he emotionally detached from my brother and sister and I. That was followed by years in Southern Baptist Churches where the emphasis was so heavy on being born again that there was not time for discipleship, and the churches were full of children of God who never grew up. I forcefully shook all this off my feet many years ago, but have been astonished as Pastor Dunn and the Kear brothers have opened my eyes again. GOD BLESS YOU ALL FOR REDEEMING THE WHOLE BAPTIST DENOMINATION FOR ME... I wish they would all become "free."


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