06 August 2005

the anticipation

Most weeks, Saturday night offers opportunity for quiet reflection in my office. I go over my sermon a couple of times, read over e-mails, turn on the air for tomorrow (most weeks I remember), and just veg a little before the sabbath. Sunday is not my time - it belongs to others. But Saturday night . . .

Tonight is quieter than usual - a sense of anticipation. No one else would ever notice it - but there is something present here tonight. Every day is a gift of God, but Sunday is a day we give back, and I anticipate tomorrow and the task of helping others worship God. It is a huge responsibility - one that I've been at for just over seven years as pastor in this post - and 30 years as of this fall, in some other roles in other places.

I wish what I was saying at this moment was more profound - but I just sense anticipation - and it weighs heavy tonight.


At 06 August, 2005, Blogger Monk-in-Training said...

I can only imagine the anticipation.

We give thanks, O God, for revealing Your Son Jesus Christ to us by the Light of His resurrection: Grant that as we sing Your glory at the close of this day, our joy may abound in the morning as we celebrate the Paschal mystery; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

At 06 August, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm writing this about an hour after you posted it. I'm up at the church booting up my new ipod that I recieved for my birthday. What an great little toy. I will be able to carry around all of my music collection (after I get it uploaded) around with me. Life will finally get to be the music video I had always hoped it would be.

Not sure how this applies to what you wrote except that I spent a little time buying some songs from the 80's. Boy are the memories flooding back. All those songs were full of my teeenage romanticism and all that I thought my life might become. Has it become that? So much more, really. But I miss the feeling of potential, the drug of what might be. That's where I am in this same moment.

I'll call you next week. It's time to get together, eh? --Tim


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