30 July 2005

the fish with whiskers

Well, a fishing report . . .

Nephew Ryan was the first to get a strike. "Uncle Richard, I can't see my bobber!!" It was a 3 lb flathead catfish. Less than 15 minutes later, Parker says, "I think I have a small one." It was a 3 1/2 lb channel cat. Having those two fish in the boat, it was already a successful fishing expedition - you know, the guarantee, and all. We moved to the dam, and caught 8 or 9 bluegill to make it an evening.

This morning, first thing we ran the jug lines. First one had a 4 lb channel cat, and the second one was headed north toward Kansas. He weighed in at about 6 lbs. Nothing else was biting, and so I packed it up and headed home, leaving the brother and nephew to spend another night in the "Hyatt Regency" travel trailer.

When I get the picture developed, will post.

Still haven't written the sermon . . .


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