28 July 2005


I've been at this for several weeks, and I've noticed a thing or two. Well, maybe just the two. People blog for different reasons. Some write to get their point across - they have something to say - a cause, a passion, a burr under their saddle - and they write to "get it out, and say what needs to be said. From time to time, I have and will do that in my rantings.

But some come to this sacred place to "think out loud." I suppose that's really why I have chosen to take off on this venture - I need a place to say what I think, and this presents a problem. I suspect its a problem for all bloggers, but having spoken to a "preacher type" or two on the subject, it may be more of a problem for our "crowd." When I start to write, I am obliged, to some degree, to filter what I say because of who might read and get offended. To counter that problem, some bloggers start out anonymously - I did. But here's the rub - my need to have others inspect my thoughts, or follow my life with rapt attention, or guffaw at my whimsy, or what ever other insanely self-focused purpose I might have - eventually overcomes my need for anonymity, and I blog away. So the result is, you get the "filtered" version.

Today, that kinda irritates me. It irritates me about societal expectations, and it irritates me about my own personal insecurities. Not so much that I'll do anything more than rant, mind you - but it irritates me just the same.

Thus endeth the rant. Now I sojourneth off to pen a sermon . . . probably not as filtered as my personal thoughts.


At 28 July, 2005, Blogger thankyoudarlin said...

To filter my comments, let me just say WELL SAID!


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