02 August 2005

Forming an opinion on John Bolton

Sojourning through the news today, there's a lot of stuff out there in cyberspace. This morning, a lot of it has to do with our new Ambassador to the U.N., John Bolton.

Fact - Bolton's nomination did not receive confirmation from the Senate.
Fact - George W. Bush used his ability to exercise a "recess" appointment to send Bolton to the U.N.
Opinion - pretty much everything else that can be said on the matter.

In an effort to help my vast bastion of readers form an opinion, I am linking you to what I consider to be:
1. A conservation opinion,
2. A more moderate opinion,
3. A liberal/progressive opinion (by the way, I do not consider "liberal" a bad word).

I do have my opinion on the matter. I will share another opinion - about opinions. Whatever your opinion, you should at least know what others think.


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