15 June 2006

Happy Blogging Anniversary to Me . . .

This is my blogging anniversary. I began this blog one year ago as opportunity to express my thoughts - most especially about the passing of my father.

Just a few statistics. This is my 170th post. That means that I have posted, on average, every 2.14 days. You know it has been more sporadic than that. Since I installed the Site meter, 7221 people have visited the blog (okay, to be honest, about 500 of those visits are mine). People have visited from every state in the union, from 50 different countries, and from every continent, except Antarctica (those people must be really busy). Currently I am recieving 18 hits a day.

Those are the tangibles. The intangibles - I have found more of my writing voice. I have discovered friends from many corners of the globe, and the depth of some of my friends is astounding. I have found this to be a wonderful tool, and at the same time I have been able to use this tool without becoming addicted.

I want to thank you for stopping in and sharing my thoughts. Thank you for being my friends, and thank you for praying for me, my family, and my church.

I hope to expand my work through this medium in the coming year. I may venture out into some political discussions, and I definitely want to increase my theological observations.

Do me a favor - I would hope that each person who reads this blog today would take the time to post a comment. That would be great. Thanks.


At 15 June, 2006, Blogger thankyoudarlin said...

Happy Annv - yet another way to celebrate how old you are!

At 15 June, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am proud of you!


At 15 June, 2006, Blogger Leslee said...

Happy Anniversary Doc! I've enjoyed reading your blog and look forward to another year!

At 15 June, 2006, Blogger Dr. Mike Kear said...

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At 15 June, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Thanks for being my pastor, mentor, and friend.

At 16 June, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As you said this gives you an outlet to express your feelings and thoughts.

You have always been a thinker and a doer. Continue.

You hold a special place in my heart. I have no words to express my delight that you came my way and are in my life longer than anyone elses.

Love by me seconded.

At 16 June, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Anniv. I am so thankful that God has blessed me and my family with you and yours. Love ya Tanya

At 18 June, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey there Richard! This is John Stark. I will be praying for you this Fathers Day, and please do the same for me. Thank you again so much for your help during my fathers illness. Your calls meant, and still mean, a lot. I am glad you can celebrate today as a father yourself, and I am sure you are a very good one. I read an article that said you become a man when you lose a parent, or when you become one -- well, I guess that means you are more a man than I am, but I'm sure I will catch up to you one of these days! :-) Love, John

At 19 June, 2006, Blogger Bro. Bartleby said...

First time in the house.

At 23 June, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think I'm one of the 18 hits you average each day. I'm in my first 3-4 months of blogging and read you regularly as I learn to find my "voice". Appreciate your efforts and find them meaningful. Thanks.
Tom Hale


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