24 May 2006

Winding down Easter . . .

Easter is winding down - this coming Sunday is "Ascension" Sunday, and then we are full force into Pentecost.
I noticed yesterday that we have Easter Lillies blooming in the church flower bed. What a glorious exclamation mark to the end of the season.
I've been thinking about adding something to this blog - I have kept this thing rather benign - politically speaking - and I've done so on purpose - two purposes, really - 1. I am a huge separation of church and state advocate, and 2. I don't want to irritate my readership. Okay, there's a third reason - every "religious" blog that I read that dabbles in the "political" tends to take up that cross to the point that they forget to mention the "religious" any more. I don't want to ever go there.
But I ran across something this afternoon in one of the mags I take - Christian Century - insightful, stimulating, all of the appropriate reasons to take a mag. There is a question about clergy silence in this issue, and a journalist is quoted as saying "three years into the war against Iraq, the silence of the clergy is deafening . . ." So, I am faced with something of a dilemna.
I may venture out here into the "political" a little - still contemplating. It could come in the form of a detached, separate blog. That way if the politicos want to read what I think, they can go over there and do it.
Do you have opinions??


At 27 May, 2006, Blogger Leslee said...

Do with your blog as you see fit. You can always have a disclaimer if you feel like you really need it.


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