The new pup . . .
I decided on my new pup. I had been thinking about getting another dog - Crockett is 8 now, and it's time to "retool" on the hunting dog. I like pointers, and decided this time around that I would look at a female. I may breed her to Crockett down the road - we'll see.
Anyway, I went to look at the available females this morning, and the one I had wanted has already been spoken for. That left, I thought, only one option - a rather gregarious black faced female (perfect markings). I really didn't want a black one, though, and then I found out that the runt of the litter hadn't been spoken for. Lemon pointer with cute markings, and she's not so much of a runt that I'll worry about her. She's interested in most everything, pointed the quail wing pretty well, high activity, and held her tail straight and high. I watched her for about 30 minutes, and then told the owner that I'd pick her up next weekend. I'm thinking of calling her "Cindy" or "Amy." I'll let you know.
Brought Travis home for the weekend, and he is already destroying stuff. His mischevious childhood is never ending.
I won't even mention the name of the blog (three ago), but I had to delete a post. Evidently I had possibly infringed on copyright with that post, and so it has been deleted.
To the author (or publisher) of the deleted post. It is not my habit to make such errors. I always attempt to give credit where credit is due. Please forgive my oversight.
Winding down Easter . . .
Easter is winding down - this coming Sunday is "Ascension" Sunday, and then we are full force into Pentecost.
I noticed yesterday that we have Easter Lillies blooming in the church flower bed. What a glorious exclamation mark to the end of the season.
I've been thinking about adding something to this blog - I have kept this thing rather benign - politically speaking - and I've done so on purpose - two purposes, really - 1. I am a huge separation of church and state advocate, and 2. I don't want to irritate my readership. Okay, there's a third reason - every "religious" blog that I read that dabbles in the "political" tends to take up that cross to the point that they forget to mention the "religious" any more. I don't want to ever go there.
But I ran across something this afternoon in one of the mags I take - Christian Century - insightful, stimulating, all of the appropriate reasons to take a mag. There is a question about clergy silence in this issue, and a journalist is quoted as saying "three years into the war against Iraq, the silence of the clergy is deafening . . ." So, I am faced with something of a dilemna.
I may venture out here into the "political" a little - still contemplating. It could come in the form of a detached, separate blog. That way if the politicos want to read what I think, they can go over there and do it.
Do you have opinions??
A lull in my spirit . . .
Some of this comes with the increased pace (although I can't imagine what a person who is so incredibly unbusy has found to keep one so occupied) of the mid-spring season, but I find myself in something of a spiritual lull. Not in a "religious" spirit sense - more of a personal, "what am I here for" sense - nothing dramatic, either positive or negative. Marking time - no pace, and relatively no direction.Some of it is the plodding of the increasing tasks associated with moving back into the out of doors after the long winter - getting the yard in some semblance of shape, working in the garden (don' even ask - dandelions are a crop, aren't they) and paying some attention to the house. Then that whole process is repeated at the church. Monotony - bordering on boredom.Next to last Symphony Board meeting tonight - I'll be glad to relenquish the reins. Looking forward to retooling and putting my volunteer efforts in some other things.As an aside - did I tell you that Travis is playing softball. I haven't seen a game - probably need to - but I'm being told that he's doing well. That doesn't surprise me - he has always had great eye-hand coordination. I think he plays 2nd base . . .I'll try to write more often.
How 'bout a weekcap . . .
Not just your average week.
Fishing - 12 on Sunday afternoon, 12 on Tuesday evening, 45 on Thursday afternoon (in just over 2 hours - best time fishing I've ever had), and 4 this morning (with Travis, and an east wind).
Sermon - I think it's one of my best.
Symphony - closed out our "Centennial" season with a concert in the park - Beethoven's Fifth was the feature piece. I was privileged to help receive accomodations from the Mayor, the Governor, and the President. Standin' up there in front of God and everybody . . .
Met my new pup - not sure which one, but looked at some beautiful pups yesterday - they'll be ready in about 3 weeks.
Read Matthew Fox's A New Reformation: Creation Spirituality and the Transformation of Christianity. Couldn't put it down. Long quote in the sermon.
Co-signed the note on daughter's new car - Honda Civic (Hey! Wasn't that my first new car - circa 1976?? - 30 years later . . .)
And my sister turns older - today - 38, I think . . .
I'll post the sermon in the morning on the "Pulpit" blog. Find some place to worship tomorrow.