27 October 2008

So far . . .

Hunting Season has been a blast.

A week (Mol) in Burnet. 4 pigs, good food, time away, plenty of work on camp, blinds, and my feeder. The weather was mostly pretty warm.

This last week/weekend (Wednesday - Sunday) Gary and Greg and I went to McAlester on a traditional deer hunt. Recurve bows - stick and a string - archery without training wheels. Saw some deer, flung one arrow - missed.

Realized on Sunday, on the way home, that I had not heard one lick of political or financial news for 5 days. And the world didn't stop turning . . .

I need to get back in the habit of visiting this thing every day.

The Pilgrim


At 27 October, 2008, Blogger SoulSongWriter said...

Thanks for sharing, Pilgrim. I just found your blog!

See you soon, SoulSongWriter

At 04 November, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, did you vote today?

At 29 December, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Richard, this is Jonathan Agudelo. According to my parents (from the Palabra de Vida church in Rubio, Venezuela), you said that the next time we would contact each other I would be speaking English...and hey, look what happened!! We were thinking of you today, and I got some results after gooling your name. feel free to contact me at jon4201@hotmail.com


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