24 February 2006


Sorry about the lack of posts. Preachers should be given blogisphere credit for the time we invest in writing sermons.
I'm in a time of sermon reflection - what an interesting craft. I've been at Cornerstone 7 1/2 years, and I suspect I'm approaching 400 sermons here. That's a lot of writing. It's hard to remain fresh - and sometimes it's hard to find words to even begin putting something on paper. I feel dry right now - almost as though I may need a spring vacation in Burnet (a pig hunt under the guise of a turkey hunt)
Potpourri - Enid plays tonight. This is the start of the regionals. I'm somewhat optomistic - this is a good team.

Politics - I would be one to jump on the bandwagon that says that the decision to farm out port patrol to an Arab country isn't the sharpest idea this administration has had.

Weather - where is the rain? Earlier in the week, they promises us some this weekend. Now they're saying next weekend. One weatherman says it's never going to rain again . . .

Olympics - ho hum.
If the weather's nice this weekend, I may work in the garden.
I'll try to do better about the writing.


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