24 January 2006

Pray with me, please!!

I've been thinking about this tremendous drought that the plains states have been experiencing - In our part of the country, with the exception of a 2 inch snow a couple of weeks ago, we haven't had measurable precipitation since October 31. Northern Oklahoma thought we were going to see rain over the last weekend, and then again in the middle part of this week. Now, it seems the weather models are indicating that the rain we had hoped for will miss most, if not all of the state. Beyond that, the models indicate that we may be in for more dry weather for the forseeable future.

Not that we haven't been, but I am committing to daily prayer on this matter. I have begun petitioning God for rain - pure and simple. God can choose to send some of the rain that the northwest part of the nation has been receiving - the've had way too much over the past couple of months, while we haven't had any.

Will you join me in daily prayers for rain?


At 24 January, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I bet sometimes you wish your friends would quit always trying to break things down and just say, "Sure, I'll pray." But I've been watching God out of the corner of my eye on this one. Tons of people praying, whole bunches, almost every church marquee in Shawnee spurring us on to prayer. God's hearing a lot of this from us Okies. And so?

There is some talk among folks that this is nature's way of getting a good scrub, allowing the earth to replentish. I am not a horticulturalist or whatever "ist" one needs to be to speak with authority on this, but maybe there is some truth to this. If you own a house that is getting burned up, I am quite sure this would not be any consolation.

So I tell you what, Pilgrim, I will continue the sideways glances toward God about this rain we are needing and include a few words as well.


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