29 August 2005

Reaching the entire globe in our time . . .

A couple of weeks ago, I put one of those site meters on my blogs. Cool stuff. It really doesn't tell me all that much, but it does tell where they come from - city and location - how many hits a day - that kind of thing. This morning, I was checking in - just to see who's reading my stuff - and I have a hit from Australia and Japan. I've already had one from England and Canada. Pretty cool stuff. So now, I've had hits from 4 of the 7 continents. Wonder if I'll ever get a hit from Antartica??

Then I had this conversation with a friend who works for Youth for Christ International - she is rather global, having responsibility for that ministry in "the Americas." We got into a discussion on the "emerging church" - I confess, I have been reading enough to be vaguely conversant on the subject, but I'd like to know more. Who have you good folks been reading on the emerging church?

I am realizing more and more that there is a ministry out there through this medium - and I love it.


At 29 August, 2005, Blogger Dr. Mike Kear said...

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