24 August 2005

They just don't get it . . .

Inane. Arrogant. Presumtuous. Ignorant. Insidious. Weasel.

I've never watched his show all the way through - I simply can't - he eventually says something that nauseates me. But yesterday, Pat Robertson went way too far!!!

The myriad of ways he went too far is staggering. He went too far politically. He went too far as one who influences thousands. He went too far as a human being.

But mostly, he went too far as a spokesman for the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Shame on you, Pat. All of us have thought those kind of things before - that these wars are a waste, and that covert operations would be a more efficient way to do the business of protection of our wonderful country. Those of us who are Americans, and at the same time, Christians - we have thought those things. And then, before we opened our mouths, we have taken a step back to examine both the constitution of our country and the words of Christ. We have recognized that both have merit for our lives, but as citizens of a divine kingdom, we submit to that authority above all others. We take a step back from our thoughts, repent of our sinful ways, and then keep our mouths shut. We don't blurt out everything we think - we try to use language that furthers the kingdom of God, even while we support our great nation.

I don't blame Robertson completely, mind you - its the nature of fundamentalism. They just don't get it - most fundamentalists in this country today don't see any difference between being an American and being a Christian - they conceive of the two as synonymous. And they are wrong. They fail to read all of what God said to us through Paul in the 13th chapter of Romans. They fail to listen to the heart of the teachings of Christ. They refuse to consider that from time to time, they just might be wrong. The typical fundamentalist mind - "I think, therefore I am right. I am American, therefore I am Christian. Do unto others before they do unto you." Wrong, wrong, wrong.

What grieves me is that there are people out there in our country who listen to what people like Robertson say, and assume that what he teaches is Christian teaching. And since they believe that kind of rhetoric, they seriously believe that they are followers of Christ.

What scares me is that some of those people once voted for him for president . . .


At 24 August, 2005, Blogger thankyoudarlin said...

well said

At 24 August, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fortunately for us Pat Robertson is just a weasel who only talks the talk and doesn't walk the walk like Osama. Other than that one has to wonder a bit about any differences. They both seem equally adept at mis-interpreting their respective religions.

At 24 August, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great Post! Pat tried to backtrack today, but to little avail. Those comments were an embarrassment to those who follow Christ---and even Pat knows it. If our Christian leaders(?) are calling for murder, how are we supposed to stand up for righteousness in Muslim countries? This will blow over quickly, but it certainly points out why more and more believers are distancing themselves from the fundamentalists (as evidenced by newsweeks articles on spirituality this week).


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