04 April 2006

The April dates are filling up . . .

When I was a child, April was my favorite month. It probably still is - but I have to work harder at it these days.

April is my birthday month. April 28. I always loved turning the calendar to April, because I knew that for one day, I would be special. That's the way it is when you are a kid.

I became a parent in April. Twice. Travis (April 3) and Chelsea (April 19) both share the month with me.

And then came last year. And now this year. Dad died last year on the 29th, and yesterday Lynn's mom died - April 4. The significant dates in this month are filling up.

"And that's all I have to say about that" - Forrest Gump


At 04 April, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So many things I remember. The courtship of my son with that Georgia Peach. She was right at home from the start. The graduation we shared. That was the first time I met Dot and Lindy. I liked them. Then there was the wedding. Oh, so very cold and beautiful. Friends that open their home for our family to stay. The pepper steak meal shared in the home of Dot and Lindy. And then the birth of our first grandchild. It was ours, Tom and mine, and it was Dot and Lindy's. The Christmas's we shared. Then there was Chelsea. Yes, we shared out first two grandchildren. I remember other times. Happy times and not so happy times. But most of all I remember a faith we shared. That our Lord had richly blessed us when we became families together. God bless all of you. Love MOM

At 05 April, 2006, Blogger Leslee said...

April 17th is my moms birthday so it is an important month for me as well. Of course the Lenten/Easter celebrations usually fall in and around April...

Thoughts and prayers with you.


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