05 January 2006

On the twelfth day of Christmas . . .

This has been a wonderful Christmas season for me. Relaxed time, some wonderful worship services, time with family, a few football games, the occasional movie - even a few pheasant hunts.

In a belated response to my last blog entry, Thankyadarlin' says, "I think it's time to examine why you apparently don't like blogging anymore" - well, I've been busy. Everyone knows that after the birth of a baby, you cubbyhole for a little while, and enjoy the baby. That's what I've been up to. Christ is born, and I've been enjoying the baby. Even changed a diaper or two . . .
Seriously, though - I've been reading some. I picked up Jimmy Carter's new book, Our Endangered Values. Not finished yet, but I can already heartily recommend this book to all who have some interest in how politics works, and why things seem to be so crazy these days. It is an easy read, although some may feel that they need to keep a dictionary at hand as they work through his highly accurate language usage. I personally find that sort of writing stimulating. I'm also reading a Gordon MacKenzie book, Orbiting the Giant Hairball, as a part of a discipline for a new Peer Learning Group that I am a part of.
Mostly, I've been organizing. I'm purposefully scaling back some of my outside activities so that I can focus more specific energies on the church and our ministry. I'm in the process of planning, working out goals, scheduling - all of the stuff that goes with the beginning of a new year and the associated re-energizing thereof.
Far be it from me (tongue firmly planted in my cheek) to point out that in December, I posted seven times, plus twice on the Cornerstone Universe blog, and 5 sermons on the Cornerstone Pulpit blog - all while Thankyadarlin' only posted six times . . . but whose counting?? Rest assured, I value you as readers, and I suspect that in the not too distant future, I will resume to the normal, or perhaps even intensified pace of putting my thoughts, considerations, insights, ramblings, and drivel to keyboard.
Congrats to University of Texas - what a game!!


At 05 January, 2006, Blogger thankyoudarlin said...

How I delight that the littlest suggestion from me results in such an astounding amount of activity! Ahh, the power . . .
I saw no mention of your reading Gilead - have you hidden your Christmas present?

At 06 January, 2006, Blogger Leslee said...

LOL, it's a very busy time for all of us.


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