27 December 2005

Now that we're into Christmas . . .

Well, request from my sister indicates that I haven't posted since December 17 - she said it's been "Weeeeeeks." Actually, that would be just over one week, but whose counting???
On to larger matters - I fear I am fighting a losing battle. If it's up to me, Christmas decorations will stay up until after Epiphany - lights, tree, nativity scenes. Historically, Epiphany is the older of the two celebrations - acknowledging the coming of the Wise men to visit the Christ child. Most of the nativity scenes have Wise men in them, and so . . .

But much too much of our Advent/Christmas/Epiphany celebration is economically driven, and so we seem destined to this incredibe purchasing frenzy from - when does it start now, Halloween?? - until Christmas Eve, and then the day after Christmas, people start taking it all down. The cynical part of me knows the other reason this happens - the most important American holiday is about to begin - you know, Bowl Season. We have to get Christmas out of the way so we can start watching football unto ad nauseum.

Remember the words of the 12 Days of Christmas - well, from Christmas to Epiphany - 12 days. Historically, that's Christmas. The time leading up to Christmas day is known as Advent. It is a time of waiting. I know I'm preaching a little, but when we experience a birth, we don't just wait and wait until the baby is born, and then forget about the new child. No, we celebrate and show that child off to friends and relatives, receive baby gifts for weeks, and generally experience the joy of changed lives for some time to come. In my opinion, that's the way it ought to be with Advent/Christmas/Epiphany.
On a similiar vein - I'm not sure the church noticed - I suspect some did - that our services were planned so as to emphasize waiting and preparation during Advent, and only on Christmas Eve did we begin celebration of the arrival of the child. From the standpoint of the music, Christmas eve we focused on Mary, Joseph, Jesus, and the shepherds. Sunday morning (Christmas Day) we focused on the angels, and this coming Sunday we will focus on the Wise men. Epiphany is January 6, and then our celebration moves from the birth of a child to the more abstract focus on the coming of light into our dark world. It all makes perfect sense to me. I'll continue to teach and lead - and maybe others will follow.
On a completely different vein - Santa brought to me . . . (drum roll) - an air compressor. I suspect only the guys will understand my glee. I also received a beautiful poker set (chips, cards, nice case) - kind of another "guy" thing.
Well, there, sister-o-mine - is that enough blogging for you???


At 27 December, 2005, Blogger thankyoudarlin said...

feel free to teach and lead - but when it comes to christmas carols, there's not enough sundays in advent and epiphany to sing them all! To much goodness to limit.

Good to see your typing fingers weren't injured in the poker tournament.

At 28 December, 2005, Blogger the sojourning pilgrim said...

. . . when it comes to christmas carols, there's not enough sundays in advent and epiphany to sing them all!

Sister'o'mine - you're not singing enough hymns in each service.

At 05 January, 2006, Blogger thankyoudarlin said...

I think it's time to examine why you apparently don't like blogging anymore


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