25 November 2005

truly thankful

I began this blog as therapy after my father's passing back in April. During the next months, I struggled with expression of feelings, and this blog proved to be a wonderful avenue for me to express my feelings regarding Dad, and a host of other thoughts since that time. This is my 100th entry, and I wanted to honor Dad with a few thoughts of thanksgiving.

Having spent two days in Waco with all of the extended Dunn clan, I find myself thankful. We actually made it through the holiday quite well. But there was always the unspoken absence - and Dad's absence may loom larger than his presence. We noticed things over the two days - little "Dadisms" that we see in one another, and remembrances that caused us to chuckle with one another. He expected the best out of us, and that was no more clear than when we sat around the fire on Wednesday night and considered how the educational system of our country could be improved. Dad would have disagreed with much of what we had to say, but I suppose he would have been proud that we gracefully tackled such a huge subject. He would have been proud that his grandchildren get along with one another so well, and that they take care of one another. And, like the rest of us, he would have eaten wayyyyyy too much.

Tonight, in full retrospect, I am thankful for the siblings, the family support, the stability, the challenges, the education, the legacy - and as always, the relationship.


At 29 November, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You and your father are very blessed indeed.

Howie Luvzus


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