27 June 2006


The sprinkler guys left yesterday afternoon. Most of the system is in, but we are waiting on some of the pool work now, and a little electrical, before they can test the sprinklers. I feel a little decadent.
I started on the dog pens yesterday at 8:30 am, and worked throughout the day. Dog tired at 9:15 pm, friend Gary and I completed Crockett's new home, and moved him in. He was delighted.
Okay - I am going to venture out there and make a political comment. I have to agree with the Militant Moderate and our Governor on their assessments of our most recent legislative session. There was too much "politics" played during this last legislative session.
By the way - I have a simple way to define politics. You break the word down into its parts - poly, meaning many - ticks - meaning blood sucking creatures - and there you have it - many blood sucking creatures. Actually, it kinda works as a working definition.
I have spent a little time in our State Senate. Two years ago, I was invited to share "Pastor of the Week" duties. I was privileged to be able to say the prayer, and to offer a "mini-sermon" on Thursday of that week. It was all a kick. Anyway, I used the Micah passage as the focal point of the sermon. It reads "He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?(NAS) - Micah 6:88 " I personally think that anyone who enters the political field should have to have this passage tattooed backwards on their forehead so they can read it in the mirror each morning as they prepare to do "the people's work."


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