09 March 2006

Lenten Devotion - Interest

It has finally rained in Northwestern Oklahoma. We were beginning to wonder if God knew where we were any more. I tell you, rain is one of those commodities that you can start to take for granted sometimes. Other times, like in the northeastern part of the country this year, you can have too much of a good thing. But when you haven't had significant rain in 4 months - well, let's just say that it captures your attention.

Anyway, we've started getting rain, and I am overwhelmed with gratitude. Over the last 48 hours, we've had an inch or so, and there is the promise of more in the future.

Devotion surrounds interest in God. We are interested in that to which we are devoted. During this drought, I found myself watching the weather forecast with more regularity - even though it came up lacking night after night. When we express our devotion to God, interest in God, our relationship with God, all the things of God - these become matters of great interest. To put it in the negative - people who are not interested in God and the things of God will not be devoted to God.

I'm four days into this discussion of devotion. So far I've noticed that time, focus, conviction, and interest are connected to our devotion.


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