22 November 2005

Pheasant memories . . .

It's been more than 8 years ago now, but I was reminded of a memory this morning. Mom and Dad were visiting Enid - we attended the evening worship service at 1st Baptist, and after the service, Dad mentioned that he had never seen a pheasant in natural surroundings. I said, "Get in the car," and he and I drove north out of town. Within minutes, I had fulfilled this gap in his experience. He was so very happy that evening.

I was reminded of this pleasant memory when I was on my way back into town after my morning hunt today. At one point, on the side of the road, I counted 16 rooster pheasants in one group. Dad would have loved it. The memory came rushing in, and there was the hint of shock at his absence.

I wonder - do the sweet memories ever come without the feeling of emptiness?


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