01 November 2005

Pet Peeves - Part One

We all have them - pet peeves. Things that annoy us, irritate us, make us crazy - there are certainly degrees of pet peevishness. . .

This one probably shouldn't be a peeve of mine, but when you think about it, it's just a little bit of a put down to our intelligence when your getting ready to travel, and the well meaning person says, "Hey, be careful!!" Like you were planning to be careless. I have a few cynical/cute retorts. "Well, I wasn't planning on it, but now that you've reminded me . . ." Or, "Aw . . . do I have to?" Or, "I hadn't thought about that - thanks for reminding me."

I've gone to asking the significant people in my life who wish me well and safety as I travel to simply say, "Have a nice trip!" Unless it's deer mating season (you know of the danger of which I speak on this one), or Friday afternoon (when all the crazies are rushing home from work), "Be careful" is a little over the top. A simple "Have a nice trip" will do nicely.

I'd be interested in hearing your pet peeves. I have a couple others, but this one should get the discussion started.


At 01 November, 2005, Blogger Leslee said...

People who drive all around town with their turn signals on... and they NEVER turn them off and they never turn off when the do actually turn the corner!

And when people say, "you know what" to which I usually say, "no, but I know his brother who" this usually trips people up and they can't remember what they were going to tell me. I get much a giggle out of this one!

At 01 November, 2005, Blogger Dr. Mike Kear said...

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At 01 November, 2005, Blogger thankyoudarlin said...

When i tell you to be careful it has nothing to do with you and everything to do with my hopes that safety will happen around you. In a way it's a prayer and I will continue to say it - like it or not.

At 03 November, 2005, Blogger Cindy said...

Hey ThankyaDarlin, I'm a "Be Careful" person, too. I say it on every occasion of someone leaving. Or "Drive safely". Doggone it, I have to say something!! But I might have to mix it up a little bit, for people who might have peeves. heh, heh

One of mine is scraping a metal utensil across a glass plate. That squeeking noise is horrible. But worse than that is when you tell someone that it bugs you, they instantly do it longer, harder, louder. That's the real PEEVE!

You'll also see my nasty side when Customer Service people are not as pleasant as they are supposed to be. I don't care who they are dealing with, they need to be kind and serving to everyone who comes their way.

Those are my two biggies.

At 03 November, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mine are "I don't want to bother you, BUT..." or "Oh, By the way..." or my most favorite is to say "Arrogance is a terrible thing to waste..."


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