16 June 2005

OGE needs this kind of power

Did you notice the storm last night as it rolled through town. My daughter had just walked in the door, and I could hear things building outside. So I walked out into the front yard to see what God was up to. WOW!!!!!!!!

The first thing that struck me was the wind. I had seen the radar just minutes before, and had commented that, while the general pattern of the storm movement was from the west, it looked like there was some indication that what was going to hit us would have more of a northerly flow. That's exactly what happened. After the wind, the lightening. Massive, far-reaching lightening. The lightening illumined the clouds - thick, billowing clouds. Rain soaked clouds. They didn't wait long - my rain guage registered 8/10 of an inch this morning. We got almost all of it in about 10 minutes.

God is great, Sabu.


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